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House Of Diagnostics
Ultrasound Whole Abdomen

Ultrasound Whole Abdomen

Scan | Ultrasound

Also Known As:

Ultrasound Whole Abdomen
USG Whole Abdomen
Abdomen Ultrasound
Whole Abdomen Ultrasound
Full Abdominal Ultrasound

Includes 1 Test Parameters


Test Preparation:

Male:Fasting for 6-8 Hours.
Female:Minimum 6 hour fasting Required. For Female patiens in reproductive age group, LMP is required. Otherwise, Urine Pregnancy Test is needed.

Reporting TAT :

Same Day*

Specializations :
Frequently Asked Questions

An ultrasound scan, also called sonography, is a diagnostic tool that uses high-frequency sound waves to create live images of the inside of the body’s structures. The images allow the doctor to see and determine any abnormality or health-related issue with the body’s organs, tissues, and vessels.

During an ultrasound exam, a transducer (a wand-like hand-held device) sends sound waves within the body. The sound waves come into contact with tissues, bones and body fluids (such as blood), and bounce back, like echoes. These echoes are received by the transducer and then turned into images. The denser the tissue the more sound waves will bounce back.

There are no known harmful effects of these scans. There has been widespread usage of diagnostic ultrasound in pregnancy. A trained healthcare professional, also known as a sonographer, will follow the guidelines to ensure that you and your baby are safe. A prudent approach is to use the sound waves at the lowest level and for the shortest time.

It is a non-invasive procedure that has been used extensively in the female reproductive organs, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, and for cardiac diagnosis. Ultrasound imaging is also used for other areas, such as the brain, eyes, breast, prostate, and testicles.

On average, an ultrasound takes around 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the part of your body being scanned.

A full bladder moves the organs and allows the sonographer to see with much more clarity.

At least 8 to 12 hours of fasting is required before an abdominal ultrasound. This is because food and liquid in your stomach can make it difficult for the sonographer to get clear images of the structures in your abdomen.
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